10 minutes walk from Nakano Station,located just one stop from Shinjuku
Please apply from the "Contact“ in this web site.
If you have any questions, please send a e-mail to "nakano@nakanomangaschool".
I'm very sorry but we do not accept inquiries by phone.
Because some courses are run by me, Nao Yazawa, we can show our students some original drawings which were published as paperbacks in several countries. (Wedding Peach / Shogakukan) Seeing the original drawings closely, it gives one some idea of how it was made. I promise, they look different from the final printed works
In addition to that, we can show you a glimpse from “inside” the creation process. E-mails which I had sent to my editor, the plot of the story I had shown him, as well as storyboard & pencil drawings, and finally the finished work itself: paper backs/digital files Moon and Blood from Digital Manga Publishing) They are in English (except for the storyboard) because the work had been made for US readers with a US publisher. I don't think it would appeal too much for beginners, but if one can draw “manga” seriously, it may stimulate a student, who can then learn much by studying them.
With our teaching methods we can show students “real working examples”. Not only “showing the right way”, but also “I did this for a purpose, which is...” or, “The reason I did like this is...” with the exact drawing presented.